Seniors’ Falls Prevention with OSCC
We Cure Rehab is doing the falls prevention classes in various retirement homes in Oshawa,
Whitby and Courtice since May 2022. This program is funded by the ministry through Oshawa
Community Centers (OSCC). We have 6 PTAs conducting the falls prevention classes in various
Retirement home to prevent the Senior’s falls prevention and improve their Quality of Life.

According to the World Health Organization (“WHO”)
“A fall in an event which results in a person coming to rest inadvertently on the ground or floor or other lower level.”
Most common fractures due to falls
- Hip fracture
- Femur (thigh bone) fracture
- Pelvic fracture
- Spine compression fracture
- Humerus (arm bone), forearm bone fracture
- Leg and ankle bone fracture

Seniors' Falls in Canada
- Falls are the leading cause of injury among older Canadians
- 20-30% seniors experiencing one or more falls each year
- Falls cause 85% of seniors' injury-related hospitalizations
- Falls cause 95% of all hip fractures
- Fifty percent of all falls causing hospitalization happen at home
- Falls can result in chronic pain, reduced mobility, loss of independence and even death
- Falls cause $2 billion a year in direct healthcare costs
- Over 1/3 of seniors are admitted to LTC following hospitalization for a fall
- Injuries due to falls rose 43% between 2003 and 2008
- Deaths due to falls rose 65% between 2003 and 2008
- The good news is that falls are preventable and action can be taken by all
- The average Canadian senior had to stay in hospital 10 days longer for falls than for any other cause
Risk Factors
- Acute health conditions: UTIs, TIAs, constipation, delirium, and dehydration
- Aging: Causes decreased strength, balance, and reaction time
- Behaviours: confusion, agitation, wandering, impulsive may increase the risk of falls
- Chronic diseases: OA/RA, Diabetes, Parkinson’s, MS, HT, CVD, COPDs, Dementia
- Cognitive impairment: Presence of cognitive disorders, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, STML, delirium
- Decreased strength and balance: Due to aging
- History of falls: 3 or more falls in the last 3 months equates to an increased risk for falls
- Footwear: Improper foot wear may leads to falls risk
- Incontinence: 2/3 of seniors are incontinence due to the aging process
- Medications: Sedatives, Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, Antihypertensive medications, Diuretics, NSAIDs, Vasodilators; all of which can cause side effects including hypotension, drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, blurred vision, and delirium
- Vision and hearing deficits: Glaucoma, Cataracts, Macular degeneration
- Unsteady: Due to aging